My Oakcrest experience
"At the beginning, my stay in Washington was only aimed at improving my English, but after some weeks here, I can say that I'm taking back home much more than that.
At first, I was very nervous about being with another family and about starting at a new school, even though it would only be for a couple of months. However, you slowly start to get into the routine and get used to the way they do things. We learn much more than English; we learn to live together with different people and in a different culture.
In Oakcrest the girls prepared a very friendly welcome event for all international students, and they are willing to help us in anything we need. Lessons have been the hardest thing, but they have become easier week after week, which makes homework easier. Oakcrest also has many extracurricular activities such as clubs, shows, sports (tennis, soccer, basketball, volleyball, cross country...) and they are pretty cool, considering that you can meet girls of all grades. Everything else is fun, too: visits to DC and surroundings, baseball and football matches, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and TV series of the 1950s.
Being an "Oakie" is an unforgettable experience in which I'm not only learning English, but I'm also making new friends who are very different from me. The only thing I will regret is having to stay here for such a short period of time..."
Marta Olmedo