
 Resultados académicos 

97% of our students who sat the official Cambridge exams passed

Fecha: 15/02/2021

A great challenge for students and teachers

March 2020 marked a drastic change in humanity. Our way of life was disrupted by a total lockdown and this brought about great changes in all walks of life but especially in the field of education. Suddenly our students found themselves working remotely and adapting to a whole new way of learning.

On the way to success

Face-to-face communication, as we know it, was lost and the closeness of everyday interactions was too. This meant a lot more responsibility on behalf of our students and a great deal of creativity and imagination on behalf of teachers, who had to instantly update their methodology.

Teaching and learning a foreign language requires working different skills such as reading and listening comprehension, use of English, writing and of course speaking. English teachers at Orvalle used different tools and activities to cover all of the skills but speaking was our greatest worry so online assessment was carried out as much as possible. 

You three did a great job as teachers, James Hartley, Sonia González and Mari Carmen MacDonald!We do appreciate the effort you made throughout the year. Students: Working hard,as you did, was the best way to have such an awesome result

Despite the setbacks met along, the way our students managed to sit for and pass their Cambridge exams with flying colours. 

The venue, that should have taken place in June 2020, had to be rescheduled for December with all of the inconveniences this entailed but once again our students stepped up to the challenge obtaining outstanding results in the end. We are very proud that 97% of our candidates that sat either Key, Pet, First, Advanced or Proficiency have done so remarkably well. 

Our most sincere congratulations to all of them. 

Article written by M MacDonald Head of ESO/Bach English Department

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