Free drawing excercises to increase creativity and imagination

Fecha: 05/11/2012

Free drawing excercises to increase creativity and imagination

Orvalle garantiza bilingüismo de excelenciaOne of the activities the kindergarten’s children enjoy more is "free drawing". Through this task, students develop creativity and imagination as major skills.


The free drawing lessons are a very important way of communication for children of this age. It allows them to tell stories while take them reflected on paper. Pirates, beaches, family ... the topics are different. For everyone it is a moment of spontaneity that will reflect, in a playful way, what they have inside.

The best support for free drawing is continuous paper without borders and limits, so they can expand their imagination. In this activity, students are not concerned of the result, they only want to enjoy and share. At the end, it turns out that what began as scribbles, has become art.

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