
 Curso de verano, Infantil, Primaria 

Orvalle Summer Camp 2021

Fecha: 22/07/2021

Dear readers,

When I was asked if I could think of a theme for the summer camp this year, I knew I wouldn’t be able to do it on my own so I enlisted the help of my team, and together, we came up with the 'Trips Around The World' theme.

We thought that theme was appropriate because back in late April early May, we were still under strict covid restrictions, which meant that most people weren’t travelling. Thus,we wanted our campers to experience travelling in some way without leaving Madrid.

?? In week one we travelled to Australia

In week one of the camp, we ‘travelled’ to Australia. During that week, our students learned about and made Australian wild animals using arts and crafts materials, made and ate delicious Fairy Bread in cookery class and pretended they were explorers in the Australian Outback in Drama.

?? Next stop: Mexico

Week two saw us ‘travel’ to Mexico. Mexico was a great country to pretend to travel to because there was so much we could draw from. Some of the many ideas our students ‘brought to life’ were: sombreros and ponchos in arts & crafts, cooked quesadillas, nachos and salsa in cookery class, acted out their favourite scenes from the film 'Coco' and even learned the smash hit  ‘Coco Loco’ song  in English!

?? In week three we flew to China.

In week three, we ‘flew’ to China. Even though our food ‘dragons’ turned out to be more like ‘snakes’, our students enjoyed playing with the food ingredients and seeing as we didn’t get any complaints, those snakes must have tasted good. Our summer campers also made panda bear faces, Chinese lanterns and some of our older students even learned how to write their names in Chinese.

?? Final destination: Egypt

In week four, we went on a trip to Egypt. Some students made Egyptian necklaces and bracelets in arts and crafts while others made Pharaoh hats. Our older students learned how to write their names in hieroglyphics and some even drew camels with a desert and pyramids in the background. The week wouldn’t have been complete without some students tasting a cool Egyptian cucumber salad while others ‘sweated it out’ looking for treasure in the Egyptian treasure hunt.

Robotics and Music & Dance with Jana Producciones

Another great addition to this year’s summer camp was the singing and dancing classes that  our upper primary students got to participate in. Every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30 to 11:30, our oldest and second oldest groups were given song and dance lessons by two trained professionals from Jana Producciones theatre company. These lessons were a great way to start their morning, and on the last day of the programme, our students came dressed up in costumes so it was nice to see them dancing and singing as characters from popular Disney films.

Over the last few years, we have had a Robotics teacher come in and teach our campers how to code and build mini robots and this year was no exception.The girls loved working with the robotics equipment and what really impressed me this year was that when a student couldn’t attend the camp, we connected with that student over Meet and two of the campers gave her step by step instructions on what they were doing so even though she couldn’t be there with them in class directly, she was there indirectly. 

I think the students in the summer camp this year learned a lot and had lots of fun while doing it. We hope they all have a great summer and come back for more summer camp fun next year.

 All the best,

Tina & The Team

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Orvalle Summer Camp 2021

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