Presentation of the Spanish Constitution to Orvalle's 6th graders

Fecha: 21/02/2023

Today, on 20th February 2023, Sonsoles Arias came to school and talked to all 6th grade students about the Spanish constitution.  She is the mother of one of our classmates, Sofía de Elizalde, and also teaches constitutional law at IE University Madrid.

As we are currently studying democracy and the Constitution, it was very useful that Sonsoles came and explained the topic to us in greater depth.

Presentation of the Spanish Constitution to Orvalle's 6th graders

She talked about many things concerning the Spanish Constitution, such as its history, the division of power, the differences between the first and the current constitution and she actually brought physical copies of the constitution so we could see what it looks like.

One of the most interesting things that Sonsoles said was that there were five institutions that have the Spanish power; two more than we had studied! The new ones were The Crown, acting as a representative figure for Spain and the Constitutional Court, that takes care of our rights, freedoms and liberties.

All the content was very interesting and presented in a very visual manner. It helped us a lot to understand the facts better. In fact, all the presentation slides had very few words on them so we could concentrate on the key words, which is another skill that we study in English. In addition, it was very interactive and Sonsoles tested our knowledge at the beginning to see what we already knew and what was new to us.

In conclusion, today we learned a lot of new things about our country, thanks to Sonsoles Arias, a mum from our school and teacher from IE University.

Thanks Sonsoles!

Written by Clara de Andrés and Stephanie Waldchen.

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